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Carole Wilkinson is an award-winning, Australian Children’s Book Author and is passionate about our planet. As an active member of a climate action group, she was motivated to write her new book Earth Matters: Loving Our Planet because she believes caring for our environment and our atmosphere is extremely important.

Carole says ‘we can’t shield children from knowledge of climate change. They will hear about it at school, they might see it mentioned on television and see upsetting images of sick or injured animals. They will experience the effects of climate change as they live through heatwaves and bushfires (experiencing bushfire smoke even if they live hundreds of kilometres away). It’s understandable that parents and teachers want to protect children from distress – but avoiding speaking about climate change could also lead to anxiety and fear as children struggle to understand the fragments of information they pick up. I felt that I had to write this book to help educators and parents explain climate change to children.’

What Does a Healthy Planet Mean to You?

“Clean air, both in the atmosphere where it affects our climate (as well as down here on the surface of the Earth where we live) where pollution from industry and transport can affect our health. A healthy planet also needs clean waterways and oceans, free of rubbish, especially plastic waste. The United Nations estimates that, by weight, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050 if we don’t change our behaviour.”

How Important is it for Kids to Learn About Our Planet?

“It is extremely important. I believe that we should give children clear information about climate change that they can understand, then give them the tools to do something about it! Empowerment through knowledge and actions enabling children to reduce the effects of climate change is what this book is advocating. It is a way of turning children’s concern about climate change into positive activities that can lead to hope.

“Every person, young or old, has the potential to change their behaviour and live more sustainably. We can all learn how to consume less, make compost and think carefully about the things you buy and request for gifts. It’s our children’s and grandchildren’s future that is at stake. We need to do whatever we can to ensure that they, and future generations, can live a healthy life on a safe planet.”

Simple Things Your Household Can Do to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

  • Use the sun and wind to dry your clothes
  • Turn off your lights when they aren’t needed
  • Put on a jumper, before you put on a heater
  • Create a car pool for school or weekend sports
  • Walk or ride, when you can and it is safe to save trips in the car and improve your own health
  • Turn off your electrical appliances at the wall when you are not using them (TV’s, computers, toasters, kettles etc.)
  • Use rechargeable batteries
  • Use a refillable water bottle
  • Don’t accept disposable plastic cutlery with your meals. BYO reusable set you can wash later
  • Take your own bags when shopping
  • Donate your old clothes, toys and games to a charity shop and while you’re there check out the clothes there to buy – they aren’t old – they’re vintage!
  • Learn about what can be recycled in your local area.
  • Create a compost for your food scraps
  • Consider having some meat-free days in your house
  • Try growing your own fruit and vegetables
  • Plant trees
  • Write to politicians – let them know you want them to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Earth Matter: Loving Our Planet Book

To find out how we can reduce our carbon footprint and save the Earth, you can purchase from your favourite bookseller in person or online at


”This beautiful book explains the science of climate change in a child-friendly way. It helps children see how their own choices can make a tangible difference to the wonderful planet
which is their home. I highly recommend this book.” – Libby Skeels, Psychologist, Psychology for a Safe Climate


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