If you are feeling anything like me right now, you feel like a tasty chocolate cake that everyone wants a piece of but all you have left to give is crumbs.
The thing is, many of us are feeling pulled into so many different directions that not even Siri can help us navigate where we are going. Let’s face it, this time of year is HECTIC; not only are we busy finalising projects from the year and gearing up for the festive season, it’s also the time when our kids start to have lots of end of year celebrations, assignments and performances.
We can feel quite fragile as the mental load of life has us overthinking day and night, and we never feel fully rested anymore.
Recently, R U OK Day made me ponder about how many people are actually ok in my world. You yourself may be ok but many of us have people in our life who are not, which makes us not ok!
I watch a loved one’s daily struggle with type 1 diabetes and other medical issues, and sometimes it’s really tough to be the support person for someone who is unwell, whether that be physically, emotionally or mentally.
This also made me realise that right now is the time to be taking really good care of ourselves so that we aren’t dragging ourselves over the finish line battered, bruised, and worn out wanting to hibernate over the festive season.
Ideally, we want to glide into the new year with a bit of energy left.

Lets face it, it’s been a really challenging year for everyone. Between the non-stop illnesses in many households and the overwork due to staff shortages, many of us are feeling beyond exhausted.
Nevertheless, your health is the most important indicator of how great your life is and will be. So, the best thing I can do for you is be a healthy me, and the best thing you can do for me is be a healthy you. So many of us are neglecting integral parts of our health but with everything happening in the world, it is more important than ever to be intentional with our health. It’s vital to remember that our internal world is more important than our external world. Whatever is happening externally won’t impact you as much if you have strong internal foundations.
I truly wish everyone great health, it is so important. To those of us lucky enough not to need medicine daily, count your blessings. To all the diabetics and immunocompromised people in my world, you are warriors. To all the scientists, health, natural health and medical workers past, present and emerging, I admire and appreciate you. Especially those who have looked after my family and friends in the past.
Remember the best investment you can make is in yourself, so make time for a massage, a bath, a walk, a nap. Listen to your body and do what you need to
nurture yourself. Only then will you have lots of slices of cake for everyone, including yourself.