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Feeling Tired? The Best Ways to Help Support Your Energy Levels as a Parent

Nobody wants to feel tired and sluggish. It’s hard enough to do anything when you are feeling low on energy, let alone a parent. We all want to be able to show up in the world for ourselves – to be able to reach our own full potential, but we also want to be able to show up for those around us. That’s really hard to do when you may be feeling low on energy.

The Top Five Ways to Support Your Energy Levels 

If you’re starting to feel the signs of being low on energy, here’s five tips to help support your energy levels:

  1. You may want to consider supplementing with Ubiquinol, the antioxidant found naturally in our bodies. This helps support our energy levels (more info below).
  2. Get regular exercise. We all know the incredible benefits of exercise. Keep it simple. Create a routine that’s fun, convenient and sustainable so you can carry it on long-term and it becomes part of your everyday life.
  3. Prioritise good nutrition. Don’t get caught up in fad diets, just eat lots of fresh, unprocessed food that’s going to help support your energy levels in your daily activities.
  4. Be intentional about rest. I’m not just talking about sleep, but also rest. Think about the types of restful activities that help support your energy levels (they’re usually things you’re passionate about). E.g. reading a book, going on a long walk, playing music, writing in a journal, swimming in the ocean or taking a nap. It’s so important for busy parents to prioritise these things during the week to help avoid feeling burnt out or rundown.
  5. Hydrate – drink more water. Dehydration zaps our energy, impairs physical performance can decrease alertness and concentration.

If the last 12 months has taught me anything, it’s that I don’t need my life to be as full as it was – to be fulfilled. Being forced to slow down and even stop, has shown me that I don’t have to be that busy all the time to enjoy life or to be successful. It’s about prioritising things like family, community and being with people.


For more – listen to Episode 91 of the PakMag Parents Podcast with Eloise, joining Bree. 


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