EducationParentingSchooling The Importance of Perspective-Taking for Social Development As parents, we may aim for a life of ease and tranquillity for our children,…Simone CookAugust 4, 2022
ChildrenParenting Why First-Borns Rule the World and Later-Borns Want to Change it Families have changed over the last sixty years, where once there was an average of…Michael GroseJune 28, 2022
HealthLifeLifestyleParentingTween TeensWell-being Teen Body Image – The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others Comparing ourselves, our lives, intellect, humour and of course our physical appearance is a natural…PakMag WriterMarch 21, 2022
BabyChildrenParenting Help Toddlers Go to Bed… and Stay There! As an always on-the-move parent, it’s probably hard to imagine not wanting to go to…Dr. Harvey KarpMarch 21, 2022
LifeParentingRelationships Parenting Power Struggles – Why Our Kids Need Us To Set Limits Have you noticed that children seem to always want to push the boundaries? It's almost…Dr Justin CoulsonMarch 21, 2022
HealthLifeLifestyleParentingTween TeensWell-being What Parents of Teens Need to Know About Vaping Vaping, sometimes known as ‘Juuling’, has grown in popularity with teens in recent times. And…Dr. Latisha PettersonFebruary 28, 2022
BabyLifeLifestyleParenting How To Be An Eco-Friendly Parent Becoming eco-friendly in parenting can seem like extra work, but there’s no need to take…Ann GrangerFebruary 28, 2022
ChildrenFamilies of PakMagParentingRelationships Raising Big Personalities If you have more than one child, you may have realised that even if they…Stephanie MeekingsFebruary 28, 2022
ChildrenParentingRelationships How to Have Those Tricky Conversations with Our Kids Teaching kids ‘tricky topics’ can be easy if you have the right tools. And the…Jayneen SandersFebruary 2, 2022
LifeParentingRelationshipsTween Teens 5 Tips For Connecting With Your Adolescent Rituals of connection aren’t just for couples. Creating connection is something for the whole family.…PakMag WriterDecember 22, 2021