Sleep is vital for a wide variety of reasons, including regulating our emotions, enhancing functions such as learning, memorising and making logical decisions, replenishing our immune system, and much more. The most important thing you can do for your kids to help them get a good night’s sleep is to have a consistent bedtime routine. This helps them understand when it’s time to wind down for bed. Consistent activities act as cues to help your kids go into automatic thinking mode and help them relax.
Here are four helpful tips:
- Start your kid’s bedtime routine at the same time each night
- Run a warm bath for them
- Read a bedtime story
- Talk about what dreams they would like to have that night

Our Magic Door Pillows Sets are designed to help parents create a soothing and magical bedtime routine for kids. Read the storybook and watch the magic unfold as your kids discover real Magic Door Pillows on their beds, just like the kids in the book!
Each night as a part of your kids’ bedtime routine, they can write or draw a picture of what they would like to dream about and mail it in the pillow’s magic mailbox. This way, their Sleepy Wizard or Dream Fairy, who sleep inside their Magic Door Pillow, will know what dreams to catch for them. Our pillows also glow in the dark, making them great for kids who are afraid of the dark or experience nightmares.
You can view ‘The Sleepy Wizard Set’ and ‘The Dream Fairy Set’ at

Head to to tune into sleep-related podcasts with the experts:
Episode 11: Save our Sleep with Sleep Expert, Tizzie Hall.
Episode 18: Sleep-Wrecked kids and the Consequences with Speech Pathologist and Myofunctional Practitioner Sharon Moore.
Episode 20: Kiss Sleep Deprivation Goodbye with Dr Harvey Karp, one of America’s most-trusted Pediatricians and Child Development Expert.
Episode 106 with Dr Golly on the Secret to Your Baby Getting a Good Night Sleep