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Setting goals for yourself has many benefits. Most importantly it gives you direction to put your energy, focus and work towards. Achieving them usually results in great personal satisfaction which ultimately helps you grow into a better person. But, did you know that if you don’t write your goals down, you are less likely to achieve them? Here are 6 reasons why you should write your goals down.

1. You are more likely to achieve them

First and foremost, as we mentioned above, you are much more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. To be specific, you are actually 42 percent more likely to achieve them. That is nearly double the chance of when they were just a figment of your imagination!


2. It will give you clarity

You will quickly find out if your goals are defined enough after writing them down. Once they are defined, you can narrow down your focus and really make the time to work on what’s important to you.


3. It’s a great reminder tool

If your goals are only kept in your mind then you can imagine how easy it is for them to be pushed aside to focus on everyday endeavours and distractions instead. Writing them down helps keep them in the front of your mind, ensuring you are continually making time to work towards them.


4. You can hold yourself accountable

By giving yourself realistic timeframes and noting down your milestones, you can tell just how long (or little) you’ve got to achieve your goals. Of course timeframes can always be adjusted if required, but this helps you stay on track and stay accountable (which is also a great motivator). Plus, when it’s written there in black, un-erasable letters, there’s no backing out.


5. Celebrate your achievements

By noting down your milestones on the journey to achieving your goals, you can also celebrate your successes. If these milestones aren’t written down then it can be really easy to forget just how far you’ve come.


6. Happiness

Writing down your goals brings them to life. While it can be a little nerve-racking, it can also give you hope, motivation and clarity, which can equal happiness. Imagine the joy you’ll feel when the goal has been fulfilled and you can tick it off!

As you can see, goal setting and goal writing is strongly linked to success, happiness and clarity. Don’t be a part of the 90 percent of people that don’t set goals effectively. Be a part of the minority who are 42 percent more likely to achieve their goals because they wrote them down. Remember; 

“Goals that aren’t written down are just a wish” – Unknown. 



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