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If you’re listening to nice, normal Christmas carols, check on your friends with boys. We’re stuck listening to ‘Rudolf the Butt-Nosed Reindeer’, ‘Poop the Halls’, and ‘Jingle Bells Batman Smells’ on repeat. If it was us changing the words to songs, I think it would be “Jingle Bells, what’s that smell, please stop talking back, it’s that time when we lose our minds, and the Elf On The Shelf is back – HELP!” 

The thing is, our kids think that Christmas time is our favourite time of year because Santa takes care of everything and we can sit back and relax. 

But… the reality is that there is so much to think about this time of year that it’s no wonder we accidently put our keys in the freezer and forget to pick up our kids on time. Or that we end up ordering five large bags of coffee beans instead of one because ordering online while rushing around is a recipe for disaster. Our kids don’t make it any easier either as their end of year tiredness kicks in and gets fuelled with too many treats from social gatherings. A foolproof mix that ensures more frequent meltdowns. Our children’s moods become as unpredictable as the weather in Melbourne, with four seasons in one day. Add to that the summer heat, a few power outs and some inlaws visiting… is the opposite of a relaxing December. 

My kids have asked me what I want for Christmas, to which I replied “I just want you to get along, not argue and for us to have a lovely day together.” So yes, I have now 95% transformed into my own mother… where treetops glisten AND CHILDREN LISTEN is really all we want for Christmas boys and girls. 

Nevertheless, despite the madness, I do love Christmas. It’s a wonderful time to be together with family and friends and celebrate another end of year. But I also feel that with every passing year, I am getting more “Grinchy”. No matter how much I try to be organised, Christmas Eve is the day where I, like many parents, come face-to-face with how much I haven’t cleaned, cooked or wrapped. 

So whatever your plans are this Christmas, I hope you make some beautiful memories, and remember the six days between Christmas and New Year is one of the best times of year where you should strive to do absolutely nothing. Make zero progress and go on a holiday from your holiday, you deserve it! 

At this hectic time of year itbecomes abundantly clear that getting more clarity in our lives is important, and that once the dust has settled, we need time to reflect, revive and rise. Taking time out is tricky, but so important. This is why I run My Vision Voyage Retreats. There are three retreats running in 2023, and each is tailored specifically for those undertaking the voyage. Head to for more information. Book now as numbers are limited. 

Thrive and Dive is a retreat for leaders and business owners who want to work smarter not harder. Co-hosted by Bree’s brother Scotty Schindler who is the Founder of Renet, an international brand and company that managed over $1.125 Trillion Dollars in real estate across Australia and New Zealand. This retreat will be diving deep into you as a leader, your business, and the ocean. It’s held from the 25th – 28th of January on The Great Barrier Reef. This retreat includes obtaining Padi Open Water Dive Certification and 9 dives for those currently not certified. If you are already dive certified you will participate in 11 dives. 

Reset Retreat is for women who are feeling pulled to improve their life. It’s held in Mission Beach from the 2nd – 5th of June, and is perfect for those who need ‘me time’ and want some clarity and a plan for the future. 

Strategise and Energise Retreat is for leaders and business owners who want to re-energise themselves and their business and plan strategies to achieve their goals personally and professionally. It’s held in Mission Beach from the 23rd – 26th August. 


  • Bree James

    Bree James, epitomises ‘entrepreneur’. From starting her first official business at the age of eighteen, to running one of Australia’s most successful regional publishing companies, Bree has entrepreneurial DNA in every fibre of her being. The eternal solution finder, Bree’s innate ability to seize opportunity and fill market gaps has attributed to her huge success in the business world. But she’s more than just the driving force behind her own enterprises. Working with organisations around the country, Bree is also an acclaimed presenter, author, podcaster, travel writer, YouTuber, performer, and an inspirational mentor to small business owners everywhere. Her philosophy in life is to be brave, be bold and be brilliant.