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Welcome To The

PakMag Parents Podcast

Laugh til you cry.
Cry til you laugh.
That’s parenting, and that’s the PakMag Parents’ Podcast!

We at PakMag want to go on the parenting journey with you. And we’re bringing the experts along for the ride. Get the answers to those questions we’ve all asked ourselves a million times and lets make this whole parenting gig a bit smoother.

Our host Bree James is a proud mum to two boys and five fur babies, and the Founder of PakMag, a parenting magazine for families that has printed over 3 million copies in the past 12 years.

Whether you’re searching for some comic relief or a few helpful tips on bringing up your kids, we want to laugh and learn with you. Get your weekly dose of hints, tips and giggles and don’t forget to tell everyone, you heard it on PakMag.

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Watch our latest episodes

We’re not just raising children, we’re raising adults

With Darren Lewis

Learning to Hack
your Habits

With Mark Williams

The Day My
Vagina Broke

With Stephanie Thompson

Laundry tips for Toddle Stains

With Nicole Gibson

Mothering with a Mental Illness

With Naomi Fryers

Making the Switch to Home Schooling

With Carlie Maree

Raising Adolescents in new-age anxiety

With Erica Komisar

Why Reading Matters

With Brian Caswell

Why First Borns Rule the World & Later-borns Want to Change It

With Michael Grose

The Secret to getting Toddlers to Sleep

With Dr Harvey Karp

Introducing JI-Young from Sesame Street

With Autumn Zitani


There’s no such place as ‘away’

With Lauren Briggs

The Power
of Contentment

With Daniel Cordaro

The Power of
Sound and Voice

With Allison Davies

Listen to our latest episode

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