We’d love to shine a light on you

Whether you have given birth to triplets, had a near death experience, or have an amazing life story, we’d love to feature you as one of our “People of PakMag”.

Personal stories we love to share are:

  • Stories of hope
  • Stories that encourage us to learn and grow
  • Stories that make us laugh
  • Stories to share that inspire us
  • Stories that help us know we are not alone.

We love to receive personal stories from:

  • Local identities who’d like to inspire our readers with their achievements (in any realm of life)
  • Business owners  who’d love to share why they started their business and what they have learnt during the process
  • Teachers, professionals, and local identities that are doing amazing things.
  • Students who have achieved something amazing or have an inspiring story to share
  • Mums, dads and grandparents who have overcome incredible challenges, or have an amazing parenting or life story to share

No matter your age or stage of life- we would love nothing more than to celebrate you.


Submit your information today!

1. Tell me about your childhood. 2. Where were you born? 3. What did you want to be when you grew up? 4. What made you get into this industry? 5. What is something people don’t know about you? 6. What’s been one of your greatest professional achievements? 7. What’s been one of your greatest personal achievements? 8. If you could have dinner with 3 people in the whole universe who would it be and why? 9. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Max. file size: 5 GB.