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    Cancellation Policy: 50% of the monthly fee for the remaining contract period. Production: Client adverts submitted after the deadline date will incur late fees (charges will depend on how late). Materials for ad creation will not be accepted after Material Due Date. All camera-ready ads needing color conversion or other changes are subject to a $50 production fee. Advertisers may not make design changes to ads after Material Due Date. Client responsibility: All advertisements are accepted and published as represented by the advertiser or agency, who are authorised to grant the right to publish the entire contents including art and photos. Advertiser hereby indemnifies Publisher against any claims relating to unauthorised use of content or art. All materials supplied by the advertiser or agency must meet the requirements for printing as described in our Advertising Specification sheet. Terms: In the event any invoice is not paid within 30-days, all invoices outstanding and unpaid and charges shall become due and payable, immediately, and the agency commission will be negated as unearned. For every 30 days your account is overdue, you will be charged a finance fee of $30. Payment terms: Payment terms are net 7 days from date of invoice. If a third party (Debt Collectors) must be consulted, 15% will be added to the total amount due to cover the recovery costs. Credit: Contact Publisher for credit application. Direct Debit and Credit Card payment required for all advertisers until credit has been established and approved. Copy restrictions: Publisher reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to reject advertising materials. Advertisements that simulate editorial content must be clearly labeled ADVERTISEMENT. Copy responsibility: Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements placed and printed. Publisher accepts no responsibility for typographical errors. It is the advertisers responsibility to submit artwork by the due date. If not supplied in time, it is understood that artwork submitted from the month prior will be used. Thank you for your business! By signing this contract you agree to accept the above terms and conditions.