We have the attention of over 10,000+ local families every week
let us help you reach them.
PakMag is more than just a magazine
it’s a community of parents who engage with us through multiple touch points daily.

- 10,000 monthly copies in Cairns
- 10,000 monthly copies in Townsville
- 10,000 bi-monthly copies in Mackay
- Advertise in one region or all three

- Our Facebook pages receive 45,000+ impressions weekly
- 500+ hours of content watched monthly on our YouTube channel.
- 100+ Podcast episodes featuring global parenting experts and guests.
- Thousands of families on our email list.
- 10,000 impressions per week on our websites and blog content.
- Thousands of digital magazine reads each year.
Ask us to find out more about our digital marketing options

- We host several events per year in each region.
- Since 2007 we have hosted over 300 free events for the community.
- We promote over 300 local venues, businesses and clubs information for free. This helps us inform our readers so they can connect with their local community and in turn, support local businesses and community groups.
Reach out to learn more about our community opportunities
Why is PakMag so popular with the family market?

Helpful Content

100% Positive Parenting Medium

Dedicated platform for parents with kids 0-16

Amazing Prizes

Supportive Community

Expert Advice
Check out the below to find the editions
that will work best for your business
We start the conversation.
Multiple touch points is our specialty.
Belong to
something bigger
PakMag has always been bigger than the eye can see. We reach our audience on so many levels.
99% of locals would recommend PakMag to a friend.
We are one of the first brands a new parent, or a new resident who’s moved to our region are told to connect with so they can find out about things happening locally.
We are a brand embedded into the community as a very trusted and positive friend that our community can rely on.
99% of people in our region know and love our brand.
Everyone that knows PakMag, loves and trusts what PakMag stands for.